

北美最古老的唐人街, 贝博体彩app30个街区的茶室, 道教寺庙, 点心宫, 龙雕和宝塔是这座城市的热门景点之一.

Originally founded in 1849 during the Gold Rush but rebuilt after the 1906 earthquake, the compact neighborhood is the cultural heart of San Francisco’s Chinese community, 是该市最大的亚裔族群. 事实上, nearly a quarter of the city’s residents count themselves as part of the Chinese diaspora, 到目前为止,这是美国所有城市中比例最高的.S. This makes 唐人街 the “unofficial capital of Chinese America” 和 a fully authentic immersion into the East for visitors.

的 neighborhood is full of history, but it also has so much that's exciting 和 new. 从食物到夜生活,甚至改善交通连接, 贝博体彩app的唐人街正处于一个令人兴奋的重生的开始. 以下是你如何亲身体验的方法.


去唐人街最具代表性的方式是乘 缆车. 这三条线路将把你从主要的旅游中心带到那里 渔人码头, 联合广场,和 内河码头. 地铁中心线,将乘客连接到整个城市 市政地铁 system, has a 唐人街 stop that puts you right in the middle of the neighborhood.

因为唐人街就在 联合广场这里是贝博体彩app大部分城市的所在地 酒店, many visitors simply walk through the Dragon Gate on 格兰特大街 at Bush Street to get there. 唐人街也融入了 北海滩,贝博体彩app迷人的小意大利,还有 金融区.

中国文化中心历史艺术之旅 is a unique walking tour of San Francisco's 唐人街 that is designed uplift 唐人街's unique visual culture, 体系结构, 以及社区的弹性. It provides a deeper underst和ing of Bay Area history 和 a multifaceted perspective on 唐人街 culture 和 San Francisco.


惊人的 格兰特大街, lined with ornate Chinese 体系结构 和 crisscrossed with traditional lanterns, 这里是熙熙攘攘的主要街道吗. 一定要去探索 少年, as well, with its famous “painted balconies”, other alleyways for hidden treasures. 路经 斯托克顿街 寻找正宗的中国农产品和鱼市场.

朴茨茅斯广场 附近最大的公园和城市最古老的公共广场是吗. 被称为“唐人街的客厅”, residents gather for tai chi classes in the morning 和 xianqi (Chinese chess) battles in the afternoons.

就在朴茨茅斯广场旁边,崭新的 广场边缘 is the Bay Area’s first Pacific Isl和er-Asian American contemporary arts 和 media hub. 广场边缘主持一个 节目的多样性 包括弹出式活动、节日和烹饪体验.

St. 玛丽的广场 比热闹的朴茨茅斯广场更小、更环保、更宁静. It is also home to a stainless-steel statue of revolutionary reformer 和 first president of the Republic of China, 孙中山. 这座14英尺高的雕塑由Bene Buffano创作, an iconic 意大利-born San Franciscan artist whose works grace several different public parks in city. 广场对面就是一座哥特式复兴风格的建筑 旧圣. 玛丽大教堂, which was the city’s first Catholic cathedral 和 the tallest building in the state of California when it was constructed in 1854.

李小龙过去常在剧院看他父亲表演粤剧 大明星剧院 (杰克逊街636号.),一座拥有500个座位的历史地标建筑,建于1925年. Thanks to a recent renovation, the glorious performing arts palace is back in action. A 完整的日历 的电影, 当地的剧院和歌舞表演, 魔法, 和真正的中国戏剧现在在非营利性剧院上演.

中国文化中心 (CCC) has been dedicated to showcasing 唐人街's heritage through street art since 1965. 主画廊位于希尔顿酒店(750 Kearny St).3楼. 时间:星期二. ——坐., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 免费入场). 它的另一个画廊, 位于唐人街历史悠久的罗斯巷, 将当地居民聚集在一起, 邻居, 和游客一起参与艺术文化创作活动.

中国历史学会博物馆 克莱街965号.)的永久收藏超过22件,000件中国和美籍华人的历史文物. 的 museum is also dedicated to showcasing the work of modern Chinese American artists 和 designers. 在五月的第一个周末, 博物馆赞助了乔伊斯街欢乐节, 以工匠, 食品摊贩, 以及来自湾区亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民社区的表演者.

歌舞女郎魔术博物馆 pays tribute to the vibrant nightclub scene in 唐人街 during the 1950’s 和 60’s 和 the people who made it happen. 漂亮的头饰, costumes 和 other memorabilia from that enchanting era are displayed permanently in the Clarion 表演艺术 Center (2 Waverly Pl.). 该中心还举办 很多 电影放映, 音乐活动, 以及其他围绕唐人街社区的文化节目.



Every February, 唐人街 comes alive with parades, fireworks, festivals for the Lunar New Year. 这是一个独一无二的庆祝活动,是参观的好时机!



没有品尝过的唐人街之旅是不完整的 点心传统上是早餐或午餐吃的美味佳肴. 的 挂阿茶室,藏在后巷(1 Pagoda Pl).)是美国最古老的点心店. 它于1920年首次开放!

Decked out with photos of celebrities 和 past presidents munching on its tasty creations, the 东部的面包店 (格兰特大道720号).)是唐人街另一家以美味月饼闻名的餐厅.

红花茶公司 (格兰特大街831号.)是唐人街的一家店,提供来自中国大陆和台湾的异国情调的饮料. 的 small store has two small counters where the expert staff give talks about the origins, 收获, 准备好散叶.

玉巧克力 格兰特大街607号.) showcases Asian-inspired chocolates 和 serve teas, baked goods, ice cream sundaes. 如果你想吃饼干,那你最好去一趟 金门幸运饼干工厂 (罗斯巷56号). 的 fortune cookie was born here in San Francisco 和 the Factory has been churning them out since 1962!

布兰登·犹太 九先生的 (28)韦弗利·普.)赢得了2022年詹姆斯比尔德奖的“最佳厨师:加州”.“他的 米其林星级 establishment is a contemporary Chinese American fine dining restaurant 和 bar located in a historic 唐人街 building that specializes in authentic Cantonese cuisine blended with modern Californian twists.

米其林星级厨师Ho Chee Boon 's 布恩女皇 (格兰特大街838号.) took over the historic banquet hall on the sixth floor of the ornate Empress of China building.  富丽堂皇的餐厅, 哪个场馆可以看到朴茨茅斯广场公园的全景, 提供以现代广东菜为灵感的季节性菜单.



唐人街也是一个喝鸡尾酒聊天的好地方. 这个历史悠久的街区有几个经典的潜水酒吧,包括 佛廊 (格兰特大街901号.), where beer is served in a Buddha shaped glass 和 you can play liar's dice with the bartender, 利宝酒廊 (格兰特大道916号), which is named after an 8th century Taoist poet 和 was one of Anthony Bourdain’s favorite hangouts. 的y are famous for their massive mai tais spiked with a mysterious “Chinese Liquor”.

Moongate休息室 九先生家(韦弗利街28号).)位于广受好评的餐厅正上方. 的 lunar-themed "listening lounge” specializes in seasonal cocktails based on the Chinese agrarian calendar 和 organic, 生物动力的加州葡萄酒. 周末晚上,这里的特色是现场DJ.

两级的 狮子穴 [57]温特沃斯图书馆.)是几十年来在唐人街开设的第一家新俱乐部. 一个时尚的休闲区,随意交谈, as well as a performance space that frequently hosts live performances 和 DJs make this an excellent option for a full night out on the town. 还有一个会员专用的房间,用来保护隐私和私人瓶子.



Learn from the residents 和 business owners of 唐人街 about why this neighborhood is the heart of the city.



虽然不在唐人街, the San Francisco Asian Art Museum houses one of the largest collections of Asian art in the world.



海洋Mal和ra was born in San Francisco 和 grew up in the 北海滩 neighborhood. 报道食品的自由记者, 旅行, 还有环境, 他的作品在30多家不同的媒体上发表过, 包括 7 x7杂志, , Mongabay, 今日美国旅游, 地球岛杂志, 文化之旅, 抛物线杂志, High Times杂志, 粘贴杂志.
